Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for Private health insurance
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in Oregon
- ASAP Treatment Services Inc
- Benton County Alcohol Treatment Program
- Centro Latinoamericano
- Columbia Community Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Outpatient
- Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Behavioral Health Program
- Curry County Human Services Addiction Program
- Deschutes County Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Program
- Eastern Oregon Alcoholism Foundation
- Eastern Oregon Detoxification Center
- Genesis Recovery Center
- Grant County Center for Human Development
- Harney Behavioral Health
- Hazelden Springbrook
- InAct Inc
- KADA Treatment Center
- Klamath Consortium
- KOLPIA Counseling Services Inc
- Lake County Mental Health Program Lutheran Community Services Northwest
- Lane Cnty Alcohol/Drug Offenders Prog
- Lifeworks North West Conquest Center
- Lifeworks NW Cedar Mill Site
- Lifeworks NW Southeast Portland Site
- Lifeworks NW Hillsboro Site
- Lincoln County Health and Human Servs Addictions Program
- Luke Dorf Inc
- Luke Dorf Inc
- Lutheran Community Services Northwest Crook County Alcohol and Drug
- Mid Columbia Center for Living Gilliam County Office
- Mid Columbia Center for Living Hood River Alcohol and Drug Program
- Mid Columbia Center for Living
- Morrison Center Rosemont School and Treatment Center
- Morrow/Wheeler Behavioral Health Servs North Office
- Morrow/Wheeler Behavioral Health Servs
- Native American Rehabilitation Association of The Northwest Inc
- New Horizons
- Providence Healthcare Systems Residential Detox
- Rimrock Trails Adolescent Treatment Services
- Seasons
- Seasons
- Seasons
- Seasons
- Serenity Lane Straight FACTS
- Siletz Tribal Alcohol and Drug Program
- Tillamook Family Counseling Center
- Umatilla County Mental Health Division Substance Abuse Treatment Unit
- Wemble Naalam T´at´aknsni
- Willamette Family Treatment Services Carlton Unit
- Willamette Valley Treatment Center Inc
- Yamhill County Family and Youth Program
- Yamhill County Chemical Dependency Program